Rethinking Nigerian Students' Assessments: A Balanced Approach


By, Abdussamad Yahya Sufi


In Nigerian education, the question of how to effectively assess students' abilities has long been debated. This essay examines the limitations of exams, explores the advantages of unexpected tests, and proposes a balanced approach to evaluating Nigerian students' abilities.

Exam Limitations:

During exam periods, Nigerian students often face immense pressure and resort to cramming lecture notes. However, this "garbage-in-garbage-out" approach hampers their ability to apply knowledge effectively. Moreover, the nerve during writing exams can cause students to forget what they have memorized, rendering exams an unreliable reflection of their abilities. In that situation, only what the student understood about the course will help the student answer questions.

Advantages of Unexpected Tests:

Unexpected tests, administered without prior notice, provide a more accurate assessment of students' abilities. These tests measure students' critical thinking, knowledge application, and adaptability. By discouraging the reliance on last-minute memorization, unexpected tests promote consistent learning and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, they alleviate the exam-related stress and create a more relaxed environment for students to showcase their abilities effectively.

A Balanced Approach:

While acknowledging the limitations of exams, a comprehensive assessment strategy involves incorporating both exams and unexpected tests. Exams provide a structured evaluation, assessing students' ability to recall information, follow instructions, and manage time effectively. On the other hand, unexpected tests evaluate critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the application of knowledge in real-time scenarios. By combining these approaches, educators gain a more comprehensive understanding of students' capabilities.


In the pursuit of evaluating Nigerian students' abilities, it is essential to reconsider the reliance on traditional exams. The limitations of exams, such as the "garbage-in-garbage-out" phenomenon and exam-induced nervousness, call for a more balanced approach. Integrating unexpected tests offers valuable benefits, as they assess students' genuine understanding of the course material and their ability to think critically. Striking a balance between exams and unexpected tests enables a more accurate and holistic evaluation process. By adopting such an approach, Nigerian educators can effectively support student growth and foster the development of vital skills for future success.

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