By-Berende Hassan Bola


 "Sometimes the kind of people we surround ourselves with, can be our driver to achieving our success or our failure before we even set out to carry-out our plans "-Berende Hassan Bola 

A good way to identify a pessimistic type of people is their taciturnity act in taking little or no risk at all couple with their discouraged advice they give you to take no risk too. In fact, they win your heart by feeding you with negative talks and the ugly part of the consequences you might encounter. 

They ignore the fact that life is all about taking risk and if you aren't ready to take it, your chances of making it in life minimal. That explains the reason why most pessimistic people are always backward in all aspect of their life.

If you surround yourself with this kind of people, then be rest assured youve injected a deadly poison into your life. Because they will demoralize you, kill your passion, Ideal and dreams with their negative vibes and speeches. So, whenever you seek out their advice concerning your plans and steps you have determined to take, they will chase every ray of hope out of your mind and cloud it all with pessimistic thought until you start doubting yourself and start losing confidence and believe in your ability.

However, when we surround ourselves with optimistic people, and informed them of our plan to achieve a certain goal, they will encourage you with good words and even advise you on the right path to take. This kind of people will go as far as correcting your flaws and helping you in achieving your goal, thereby boosting and inspiring you even more. Their words would make you reaffirm and "believe"that you can do it, and that will keep you going until you achieve it.

Thank you for taking your time to go through the first item. Keep your fingers crossed for the next item, and bye for now.

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