The lasting solution to the baneful monster,social media

By  Abdul Azeez sulaiman

Indubitably, the revolution which triggers the rise of series of sophisticated equipment to be used principally for the purpose of communication beyond  conventional means has made life more interesting to dwell in than in the past. Interestingly, through the nascence of these instruments, social media came into fore and paved way for a communal interactivity.and  subsequently, the interactivity then turned to agent of excitedness and enthusiasm for people to the extent of becoming an intrinsic part of their day to day activities.

For the essence of clarification, social media is the forms of electronic communication (as websites for social networking and micro logging through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content (as videos).

Butressing on this definition, we are oppurtuned to echo the uses of social media which are;

Architypal avenue of sharing information for online users, a way of creating individual meaning, a channel of connection between millions of riffraff, an epitome of learning, a place where unity is being made between the bourgeoisie and proletariat and the place where the masses voice out their voice to the govt directly to the government.

The pertinent question to pose ourselves now is that,If these are the very true identity of social media then why  is it deemed as a bane to our society?

Why is it seen as a media for cyber banditry?

Why is it described as a place where malicious content like blue film and the likes are viewed?

Why should it just give room to notorious people like that?.

Why is it spoiling our psyche everynow and then?

Decidedly, the solid reasons is that as the media have millions of merit being displayed overtly by people there are zillion of disadvantages covertly awaiting the innocent users. Infact if we were to make a comparison between it's merit and demerit we would see that its demerit outweigh its merit.

Then how are we going to be emancipated from this menace? Or we should just shun it out totally. No! For this, article would be here profering the lasting solution to it.

Moreso, it will bring three factors that can erase the menace of social media.

The first is issue of regulation. We have NBC right! which monitors the broadcasting affairs. So as socia media must have its own regulatory body. That is, the government should create an angency that will be monitoring what is happening in social media in a social responsibility maner. It is worth noting that the regulation I mean is not the one that will  impede the freedom of expression as it is granted in the constitution neither the one in which the government would be using it for it owns affairs, by jailling those who critisize his ideology and leaving those who don't  vituperate his philosophy even when that individual is posting violent content rather the one that will depict sense of responsibility of individual tents  and has a minimal control of the the government, it would just be a direct attack to democracy in which africa especially Nigeria  like to be mapped by it side even when they are not practing it and it would even prejudice the country.

For instance, lai muhammad says" for those who may still be in doubt, ritual killing have assumed a worrisome dimension in recent years. The fact that some of these ritualists said they learnt the money making tricks from social media platforms has given a further fillip to our campaign to rid social media of unwholesome content"  so the agency would just be the one removing and make sure there is no room for unwholesome content.


Secondly,parent must also play a healthy role in this if we totally want to get rid of its menace. So Parent would do this by mulling over  when  the need of this sophisticated equipment become imperative to their wards before purchasing it for them otherwise they would purchase an agent of destruction for their own family. Also after the purchase, they should make sure they monitor and check very often about their uses and people they connect with..

This is because, when people are not matured enough, they would be ignorant of the implications of awryful activities and eventually engage in facebooking, tweeting and viewing social media violent content. And subsequently, they would act in accord what they view. The logic is very simple. It is taken from agressive clue theory

So by monitoring how their wards use the media, it would just serve as an assistance to the social responsibility posed by the government and will strethen our institution since family is the smallest unit of institution.


 the last solution is the responsibility of conventional media.

According to agenda setting theory, the media set and determine the issue worthy of seeing, viewing and reading for their audience. So this theory would be useful here. the media should incorporate the danger of using social media for bad things in their agenda, they should make a plausible clarification about the positive and negative consequence of the uses of social media so that average citizen would understand. So the media should also understand that if they leave this responsibility undoing or unattending to, the social would late com and  become a huge attack to them very soon. Wouldn't it an attack if the traditional media publish or broadcast an event in social responsibility manner and a poor citizen journalism who lacks the knowledge of journalistic profession comes and interrupt what they publish by publishing what is worthy an unworthy of posting.

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