By Hafsat Ahmadu Rogo

Years have passed after the white man left the shores of Nigeria

Years have passed since our founding fathers gave us this country

Years have passed since our national anthem and pledge became our common rhythm

Years have passed since we heard the drums of peace, love, unity, and tranquillity

Years have passed since the flag, the green, white green was proudly hosted

Nigeria started crawling many years ago after independence,


Tried to crawl out of Poverty

Crawl out of corruption

Crawl out of religious bigotry

Crawl out of lack

Crawl out of nepotism

Crawl out of ignorance and illiteracy

Crawl out of mismanagement

Tried to crawl out of weak leadership and crumbling infrastructure so we could have hope. Crawling?

If we are crawling, then there's hope that one day we will walk!

Worthy of note is the hope which gave birth to Nigeria when our forefathers were unsure of themselves and the future of Nigeria.

The hope produced some great men of value like Obafemi Awolowo, Prof. Wole Soyinka, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Sir Ahmadu Bello, Chief Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Stephen Keshi.

The same hope has produced me, my mother, and the entire state.

The same hope is the reason why those who seek to destroy and cause divisions among us have not succeeded.

This hope makes me believe that there are better days ahead for all Nigerians.

In fact,

I dream of one Nigeria.

I dream of one Nigeria where every school-going child is offered free and qualitative education.

I dream of one Nigeria where the roads are asphalt and police checkpoints are non-existent.

I dream of one Nigeria where the mere mention of the name of the country will send shivers into the spine of leaders of the country.

I dream of one Nigeria where street begging is a criminal offense.

I dream of one Nigeria where the female and male child is treated according to their abilities.

I dream of one Nigeria where religion is treated as a personal relationship with God and man.

I dream of one Nigeria where the might of the military is feared by all nations.

I dream of one Nigeria where children yet unborn have hopes of their existence when born and will be treated with love and respect.

I dream of one Nigeria where every Nigerian will be proud to be called a Nigerian and would not travel or seek a passport of different countries to travel abroad.

I dream standing

I dream sitting

I dream sleeping

I dream all day about Nigeria

Nigeria is the only country we can call our own

Nigeria is the only country we know

Nigeria, the most populous black nation in the world

Nigeria is so wonderful and so beautiful

Nigeria is endowed with a beautiful landscape, resources, and rich languages.

Allah's willing: my dreams shall come to pass in our time and in generations to come.

I believe that Nigeria shall be counted as one indivisible unit.


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  1. Excellent work.More ink to your pain.Nigeria will really be great again in sha Allah.the youth have woken up from their slumber.
