By Fatima Idakwo

The children are lurking, mind what you put on the Internet…

Photo from Kings College Website London

 I have been observing and I'm sure a lot of people have been too. In recent times, sexual contents are being thrown around carelessly on the Internet and the worst part of it is the warm reception these contents get from society, it's baffling. Sexuality has been portrayed as something casual and fun, it is no longer treated with the kind of delicacy it is supposed to be treated with. A lady or gent who shares a story of an illicit sexual encounter on Social Media is cheered on by others; 'hope you had the time of your life?'

But then, when the minors who have been lurking from the corners try to go along with societal trends and engage in immoral acts, the same society is quick to point fingers and find someone guilty for the actions of the minor, they fail to realize that everyone plays a part in aiding that child's actions. As a common saying goes; "it takes a lot of things to come together to create a problem". Yes, the parents might have failed to monitor their child but, what about the people who freely talk about their illicit sexual encounters and encourage people to live the life and enjoy sex? What about the movies that have raw sex scenes, the unnecessary sexual song lyrics, the rampant sexual music videos, the sexual dance challenge on Social Media. We don't want them to see but... the children are still lurking so mind what you put out there.

The Internet is here to stay and the children are well aware of its existence. It's easy to say; "don't expose your children to the Internet" but, there's no guarantee that a child wouldn't find a way to get access to the Internet. Kids will always be curious and rebellious. But, if society doesn't show them these things and make these things look "cool", will they want to engage in such acts in the first place? We, as a society, play a major role in corrupting the minds of the children, when "wrong" is being portrayed as "acceptable", "cool" or "in vogue", how then do we think that a child will abstain from these immoral acts?

We all need to think hard about our actions, are we really innocent of aiding the immoral actions of the children? If you've ever liked a sultry photo on Social Media, an article encouraging marathon sex, and so on, then you need to think hard before you answer that question. As for me, I don't think we are innocent, and there's a need to find a solution to the problem at hand so that the next generation doesn't turn out worse than the present.

 The most reasonable thing to do at the moment is; "mind what you post on the Internet because the children are lurking". We wouldn't want to hear the case of a young child raping an adult in the future (May God Forbid).

These are the words of a wise lady: "we all have sexual feelings but, it isn't ok to carelessly act on those feelings". Everybody, the children included, need to be reminded of this.

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