Colors that best suit your skin tone

By Michelle Jackson

The urge to incorporate a variety of colors into your wardrobe may seem like a great idea because of the inexistence of standard rules to fashion, but even with that, there has to be a balance to what we do. That being said, identify the colors that best flatter your skin tone so that you can stand out in a crowd and radiate from the inside out.

The key to finding your most flattering colors starts with skin tone or rather skin undertone which can be grouped into three categories: warm, cool, and neutral.

How do I know my skin tone?

The vein method is the tried and true approach most people use to discover their skin tone. If the veins on your wrist are blue, then you have a cool undertone, if they are green, then you have a warm undertone, neither or both means you likely have a neutral undertone.

What colors look best on a warm undertone?

While most colors will work with a warm skin tone, it is best to opt for shades that are either a little brighter or darker. Warm skin tone goes well with colors like orange, magenta, gold, brown, deep tonal red, rich shades of pastel, black and white.

What colors look best on a cool undertone?

People with this skin tone mostly have pale skin or light features. It is best to base your outfit around darker colors like deep blues, charcoal grey, purples, bottle green, and brown. Avoid strong colors like orange or yellow.

What colors look best on a neutral undertone?

Those with neutral skin tone can try their hands at pretty much any color without fear. You can have a go at mixing bright colors with dark colors, just remember to have a balance while at it.

We can command so much respect from others when we know what works best for us and own it with confidence.

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