Quick Reminder About The Need To Celebrate Nigeria's Independence Day In A Greater Standpoint


On this day 62 years ago, we rejoiced. When we gained independence our joy knows no bound, the difference is not just about the year but the shift in political atmosphere from what it was, to what it is as I write this. 

 From hegemonic, forceful domination wiles,we were set free, to handle our own affairs by ourselves, and for ourselves. And, no other ulterior motive was sensed, it was primarily about doing better than our colonial masters as we did assume that we knew our nation better than the Europeans did.

Both the military junta's movement to democratic stunts atimes gets me cracked up more than a comedy show. Laughable at some point, because shedding tears isn't reversing what is done, but, our decisions can prevent further political damage.

 Some administrations were most vilified for execution of rival, injustice, corrupt practices, overthrow and lots of vices that are uncalled for due to greediness and the fascination to acquire power at all means. It was just too dreary.

Well, we thank God that the  efforts of our great Nationalist weren't in vain even though they wouldn't have tolerated how it is now if they still live. People like Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Ahmadu Bello amongst others, were industrious to the sovereignty that we claim today, their last stamina and dime they were ready to use to sponsor a nationalist crusade.

 Oh Death! If only you spare the good doers... Our country might at all not get to this stage of political turmoil. 

Well, here we are; Nigeria at 62. We have  had our fair share in the years of democratic and other movements or not? I can't really say, but I know we can, it is possible. I mean to change the narrative of this country, I mean to promote the stance of our past patriotic political personnel's purpose. As well as to hasten our nationalists plans cause we are not just far behind but far ahead in Nation's dissolving

Well, at least we 've managed to sustain democracy since 1999 and the constitution as amended till date supports selective representation. Let's fight a good cause away from disunity and favouritism. Elections still exist. God so good it's around the corner, our onrush cornerstone isn't far-fetched our consensus is.

Bribes last for days, the impact of the election lasts for years. It's a choice that we need to make,let's get it right. Enough of the bandwagon effect; vote because you can identify your candidate's capacity not because your friends are voting. 

Let's recollect the Independence that we stood and strived for, if not for the sake of our unborn children, but for that of our past nationalists who strived for the glory of Independence day that we celebrate yearly on 1st of October.

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