ABU Vice Chancellor Stresses Media's Role in Addressing Insecurity at International Conference

By Aminah Ismailia

The Vice Chancellor of Ahmadu Bello University, Professor Kabir Bala, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the International Conference themed "Communication, Media, Insecurity and Development: Issues, Challenges and The Way Forward" organised by the Department of Mass Communication on Monday. 

In his remarks, Prof. Bala welcomed the over 200 participants from Nigeria and abroad and commended the department for organising its first international conference on a critical issue. He stated that the theme of the conference is timely, given the strategic role media and communication play in addressing insecurity across Nigeria. 

The Vice Chancellor emphasised on Ahmadu Bello University's commitment to sponsoring academic conferences and workshops to promote scholarship and exchange of ideas. He expressed hope that the conference would provide a platform for scholars to brainstorm solutions and recommendations to tackle issues of insecurity through media and communication.

Prof. Bala urged organizers to publish the findings and recommendations from the conference and share them with relevant government agencies and institutions that are involved in or affected by insecurity and national development. He concluded by thanking the conference sponsors for their support.

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