BBC Journalist Urges Skills Over Credentials for Budding Journalists

By Abhulimen Jonathan 400LVL Mass Comm

Students of Mass Communication at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) gained valuable insights into international journalism from BBC Journalist, Jimeh Saleh at a recent campus event which held during the International Conference organised by the Department of Mass Communication, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

During the event, Saleh screened several clips of his BBC documentaries for students and then offered tips on how to transition from a student of journalism to a professional journalist.

"You need strategic thinking, critical thinking, and what I call the '3 Ts' - Terrain, Traits and Trust," Saleh said. He explained how understanding terrain, developing strong traits, and building trust are key for global reporting.

Saleh stressed that journalism is not just about money. "There's no money in this profession," he told students, urging them to hone their skills and craft.

Challenging traditional views, Saleh downplayed academic credentials. "Certificates and CVs aren't as important as field training and development," he said, pushing for practical experience. 

Students actively engaged Saleh on topics like ethics, objectivity, and know-hows for preparing for complex reporting assignments.

Saleh's visit offered ABU students of mass communication an insider's view into real-world international reporting. His emphasis on applied skills over credentials provided an unconventional perspective for aspiring journalists.

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