By Ibrahim Abdussalam

Some things are beyond human comprehension. For instance; when we see God-loving and well-mannered persons, we think evil cannot happen to such people.
In our thoughts, evil only befalls bad people. But the fact is, no one will live without having a taste of evil in this world. When evil befalls bad people, humans call it karma. And when it befalls good people, humans call it trials, then such person is implored to be patient as God rewards patience. People will preach endlessly to such people.
Reader! Yes, I mean you reading this, may we not be recipients of condolences-laced preaching, may we not be tested beyond our capacity and to all parents, may you not cry over your child(ren).
This prompts to the tragic story of Bibire and Agbeke that goes thus;
Bibire was 26 year old when he married Agbeke. By this time, Agbeke was 24 years old. The wedding was a glorious one as all the guests ate to their fill and prayed that God bless the new family with children.
Agbeke was childless for 14 good years. Yet, the couple’s mutual love for God kept them together.
After much prayer, patience and perseverance, Agbeke gave birth to a girl when she had clocked 38 and her husband, Bibire, clocked 40 years. They both agreed to name this child Mopelola which literally means “I have completed wealth”. They gave her this name because her arrival made them complete.
They never pampered Mopelola and they both taught her moral standards.
Mopelola was growing in wisdom. Since she got to primary 3, no one surpassed her in academics reasoning and intelligence. She was popularly known as “Mope Efiiwe” in school and her community. Mope’s parents were happy about this.
Mopelola got admitted into the university. Most of her mates also know her to be a very brilliant and intelligent girl as she only cared about books. She doesn’t party; neither does she keep late nights. Many male students approached and tried to woo Mopelola but she would respectfully turn them down saying she only had time for Nursing and not men.
But in her 400 level, a student called Sunkanmi wooed her, Mopelola turned him down several times in usual way but Sukanmi kept coming back.
After seven months of trying, Mopelola finally agreed. But she told him that there will be no sex before their marriage. Sunkanmi said “Mope, what you just said made me love you more”. At this time, Sunkanmi had completed his studies but was waiting for national service and Mope was in her final year. They had introduced each other to their families hoping that they would get married as soon as Mopelola graduates.
Mopelola kept reading as she didn't want to lose her first class grade.
She was returning from where she had gone to read one night when she met some boys who were verbally aggressive to her. She smiled at them and tried to intelligently avoid them as she had done to others before. She quickened her pace to meet the two people she saw ahead. At least, she knew that if the people following her saw another party, they’d calm down. The closer she gets to the two people ahead, the more she thanks God.
Suddenly, the two people ahead grabbed her, covered her mouth and dragged her to the nearby bush in the company of the other trailing four. It was then she realized that those following her and those ahead of her were the same.
In the bush, the seventh person showed up. He was one of those who had tried to ask Mopelola out in the past.
So, the Six held her forcibly so that the seventh may lay with her. Mopelola prayed silently that God delivered her or take her life as she didn't not want to witness the torment of sexual assault.
 But, should we say the prayer wasn’t answered?
All the seven of them took their turns with her. She tried to scream but had no strength. The gang grabbed her and then smashed her head with a big stone until her head broke into pieces. They did this so that she won’t expose the orchestrator of this callous act.
Ha!!!! Mopelola’s parents’ only hope has been snatched from them.
The story I’ve just narrated is fictional. But, can you just ponder on it for a while?
It’s not so different from what goes on in society today.
 Is the case of Uwavera Omozuwa, the 22 year old girl who was raped and killed in church not enough to bring tears to our eyes? Or that of Barakat Bello whose parents looked up to for succor before evil doers cut her life short after raping her not enough to speak out against?
 This is where we live and raise our girls in the hope that when she becomes successful she can take care of us.
“My daughter has made a lot of promises to me but now she can’t fulfill any of them”. These are the words of Baraka Bello’s mother when she sorrowfully spoke with BBC. Even if one is hardhearted, is this not enough to evoke tears?
As for me, I have no power to prosecute anyone but I have a counsel which is in five parts.
The first goes to the government. I will advise the Government to hasten towards making strict and bounding law so that rape will become forgotten in our society.
Second goes to the entertainers. Script and lyrics should be thoroughly screened in a way that it won't depict any sexual obscenity which will help in reducing the perpetration of this monster act to the barest minimum.
The third goes to you thinking of raping. Don’t do it, don’t do it, I repeat don’t do it!!!
Don’t bring everlasting curse on yourself. Stay away from what will destroy you and your coming generation because if you do it ,you will be exposed by God. After facing the government punishment, you will still face God's wrath.
The fourth part goes to all parents. As this rape menace is a pointer to moral decadence. Because, a well brought up child will not think of raping or killing. Also, as we are cautioning the male children so also we should caution the female children.
   The fifth goes to the female themselves, they should avoid all forms of immoral dressing, walking style and abusing anyone that approaches them and staying out late at night as it is very detrimental and they are all instrumental to the committal of the so-called act. Also, always bear it in mind that your body is meant to be sacred for your legal spouse alone and is not something to be exposed or imagined by undeserved male folks.
In conclusion, we all have a role to play in putting an end to this scourge.
May the Almighty assist us all.

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  1. In fact,this is unarguably the depiction of what happens in our society whereby female folks will be harassed sexually.
    My prayer is that may Almighty Allah expose all evil-doers as well help in sanitizing this country from her notorious crime that is indirectly becoming her norms.
    You have said it all brother,may almighty Allah increase your in knowledge,intelligence,inspiration as well as granting you Barkah in your life pursuits!

  2. I just finished reading it yesterday. This is a touching story.
    I hope if this type of story can be shared into where those political riffraff is inorder to see it and correct there mistakes before it is too long.
    May Almighty Allah bless you abundantly and increase your knowledge
