By Kenny Ola (LANGUAGE)
Linguistics is the scientific study of human language, while Language is nothing but the power of man to express his thoughts and feelings.The relationship between Language and Linguistics is that Language is an object of study for Linguistics.Linguists have proposed many definitions of Language and Linguistics.It is, however, pertinent to look at some scholarly notions on the terms "Language and Linguistics".

Edward Sapir defines Language as a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols.
Noam Chomsky says Language is the innate capability of native speaker to understand and form grammatical sentences.

With regard to the scholarly definitions of Linguistics.

Victoria Fromkin views Linguistics as the scientific study of human human Language.

S. Pit Corder says that Linguistics is concerned with the nature of human Language,how it is learned,what part it plays in the life of the individual and the community.

Having perused the aforestated submissions on Language and Linguistics,it behoves avid readership to keep in mind that grammar/syntax is a subfield under Linguistics and it is one of the branches of micro Linguistics.

Before I lay my assertions on "grammar",I would love to also cast the spotlight on the scholarly views on "grammar".

Tomori observes four distinct notions on grammar. One of the notions is that of grammar as the quality of linguistic competence of a speaker of a language,a quality determined from the quality of the person's actual performance in speech.

Crystal (2004) sees grammar as the structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves.

Having established that,we should all keep in mind that knowing a language is knowing its grammar and the grammar of a language is what the speaker of that Language consciously and unconsciously put into practice in everyday conversations.

Contrary to the views of a large number of Language users of English,grammar can be seen as a set of linguistic rules governing how a particular language should be used.Grammar also deals with the rules that govern the internal structure of every language.With that in mind,every user of the English language who desires proficiency in the language should steer clear of the notion that grammar is high-sounding words or grandiloquent words.

Moving on, another misconception is that a lot of language users adjudge persons who are fond of using grandiloquent words as "GRAMMARIANS",it is of immense importance to note that "GRAMMARIANS" are individuals who are tasked with the taxing responsibility of studying the internal structure of languages.

Another commonplace misconception is the wrongly used of the words "Academic and Academician". It is worth bringing to your notice that an academic is a person who lectures in higher institution, while an academician refers to a person who is a member of an academy.

To bring these disclosures to dexterous conclusion,it is of the essence to keep in mind that the competent use of the English language goes beyond the innate capability which every user of a language is endowed with.As such,this piece has successfully thrown light on some of the often misused linguistic items. Consequently, this piece will serve as a guide for anyone who wishes to speak and write the language consummately. 

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