By Tijani Oluwaseun

Human existence has been such a unique phenomenon in the narrative of world evolution, Homo sapiens (men) are creatures privileged enough to dominate over all other creatures in accordance with the will of our maker. Different people with different beliefs, cultures, mannerisms, religions, races, etc. But with the exemption of a few peculiarities such as the trait of giving birth, death,  etc—which are the unique similarities of human beings. 

In today's world, there is at least a reasonable number of determinants that demonstrates the origin, idiosyncrasy and race of man as there are now representations of denominations through continent, countries, States, religion, regions etc. And as much as humans need to communicate conveniently with people over far distances—due to man's social life trait, so does the need to reason with our highly developed brains to solve problem,  upgrades. 

Since time memorial, men do communicate with one another through various traditional mediums (oral, writing, symbols, etc). And as time goes on, things begin to shift and one of the most prominent forms of communication then was letter writing through postal services, then, came the evolution of technological means which gave birth to the array of the fast, rapid mediums we use today.  Today's world is as well fair, but before the era of social media things didn't seize to move on smoothly, parents did have full confidence in their child's over-dedication to their goal, distractions were minimal, one woke up to pray and not a prey to some sort of device. 

A story of a young person on the phone while eating, working, resting, in school, and even while in the latrine was never experienced. Before today's world, face-to-face communication was largely patronized, not neglected. Anxiety and depression due to 'oppression' they say, from fake-life lifestyle of their social media friend, was never experienced.

Before the era of technological values, there was no means for a child to get exposed to vulnerability or explicit content that may trigger sexual arousal to constitute a nuisance. No means! 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy they say, forgetting that in those days there were lots of sports and games and games that people do play and misplaced priority was never incurred. 

The absence of computational aid such as calculators etc. was never an option for people to neglect/fail quirk that has to do with arithmetic. Then, moon night stories were used to inject values into kids unlike now when even the parents are carried away by the decreasing number of subscribers on their social media page.No wonder psychological outgrowth was minimal then!  

Permit me to dive into the present, due to technological advancements today, there are now reasonable number of social media platforms: an avenue that makes social interaction, and information dissemination effective, and not just fast but super fast. And now creates room for sending and receiving messages, business networks, blogs, social gaming, reviews as well as E-education, etc online and conveniently at the comfort of one's home with just necessary devices such as a P.C/mobile phone and stable network provider service. 

To be honest, the merit of technological values/social media cannot be overemphasized, but the over-reliance is extremely vast—on the side of our people, cause captives of social media nowadays are increasingly rampant.


The over-reliance/use succeeds in initiating tons of dilemmas, for instance, there are more social media addicts than religious, academic, and career addicts. We make excuses about the inability to achieve goals without an array of technology, forgetting how our forefathers/mothers do strive to thrive. We don't have to tie our achievements to social media followers only. You are a social media influencer who makes living with it? Fine! You are not? Then you have to generate reasonable significance out of it. I am insinuating that with great privilege,/freedom comes with responsibility, we need to be responsible enough to understand the power behind the over-dependence on social media cause as much as there are positive impacts so are negative effects. Some people especially teenagers and youths are now so unfocused, always carried away without their 'consent' due to their addiction to the platform. Also, parents don't just have to conceive the everyday threat that exposing children to social media causes but plan to guide their wards.   

 Let's all try to make an impact out of our digital world, lots of online classes such as cyber courses, affiliate marketing, and copywriting and lots of information at the tip of our hands about our course of study, career etc. They are all on the net! Embrace technology and don't allow every demerits of it to count by choosing to moderate how you venture all of your time, strength and pressure into the platform without any tangible significance.

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