Wait! Have you known your Temperament?

 By Abdul Azeez sulaiman

A small book I first read during the first phase of ASUU warning strike, sociology theory, has given me an in-depth insight into how our thought and the knowledge of ourselves is found.

Contrary to traditional behaviorists, this book revealed how prof. George mead, one of the propounders of social behaviorism theorists developed the way of our social life. In fact it said that mead says " ourselves and thought is known and got from our social interaction".

Furthermore, I got to know from this book that our thought and self would differ and be ununified as long as we vary our accompany.

Undisputably, one of the unique things that portray differences in our thought, manner, behavior and also self is temperament.

Psychologically, temperament is an Individual difference in behavior that is biologically based and relatively independent of learning, system of values and attitudes.

According to Merriam Webster, it is a characteristic or habitual inclination or mode of emotional response <a nervous temperament>. In short, simply say it is the usual attitude, mood, or behavior of a person or animal.

Knowing its description may not suffice us in the knowledge of ourselves, so let us then further our exploration to its formation so that we can have adequate knowledge of it and how it is formed, 

It is very simple, Your temperament starts developing from the moment you are an infant and remains constant but only prone to development.

Moreso, a study has also shown that your temperament is quite determined by brain stem processes. I.e each person has a brain stem that cannot change over the course of their life.

As per research, this temperament primarily is taxonomized into four.

They are;





Sanguine: is a type of temperament known for curiosity, creativity, optimism, assertiveness, and other related features. Moreover, these features are seen in sanguine personalities because of its involvement in a chemical called "Dopamine" which makes them intensely curious and energetic. Buttressing on these sanguine people is also that they are known as risk-takers. They take risks without deep contemplation. Another thing to know about them is their adaptability.

Phlegmatic: This personality could be described as agreeable, cooperative, considerate, charitable, sympathetic, trusting, and warm. It is linked to estrogen which is present in both males and females although this category accommodates females more than males. Also, these people are imaginative and therefore like to think abstractly. Moreso they like to know other people's deepest feeling and try to build intimacy.

Choleric: These type of people are very analytical and logical. No wonder, they are best at math, geometry, and engineering. These personalities are associated with testosterone. In addition, these people also have the ability to systematize everything. they enjoy math and other exact sciences.

Melancholy: The last one is melancholy which personality traits are associated with serotonin which suppresses aggressive tendencies. No wonder, they are people very calm and self-confident, in fact deeply attached to their family and loyal to people. They are very orderly and don't like unpredictability. They enjoy making definite plans and schedules.


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