By Fatima Musa

Being trapped in my whirlwind of emotions

Confused, sad, bitter, empty, I can't seem to decipher

Do you know the meaning of emptiness?

When you don't even know what you're feeling at all?

When you just feel tired, tired of absolutely everything and everyone?

Well yeah, that is exactly how I am feeling

My head's a jumbled up mess

Emotions whirling like a violent tornado

Disrupting my thinking and leaving me in dilemma

Eating me up from the inside like a tumor

Overthinking has now become a daily companion

Cause I always find myself unconsciously lurking in it's shadows

But all this just ends within me

I can't voice it out..besides, who would even understand me?

I always try to put on a happy facade

Shielding away my pain and trauma from people

Locking everyone out

Because only I can understand this pain I'm feeling and the burden I'm carrying on my shoulders

I look okay, but in reality..I'm BROKEN

                              Her Unexplained Feelings

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