We Made Mistakes But We Still Did Our Best - NASSS CTC Chair

By Aliyu Baba Mohammed, Jonathan Abhulimen, and Suleiman Abdul Azeez

The Caretaker Committee Chairman of the National Association of Social Science Students (NASSS), Comrade Nura Sani Magaji said the electoral committee under his leadership was not absolutely free from mistakes but the committee tried its best and delivered a free, fair, credible, and transparent poll in the just concluded election of new excos into the various offices of the association.

He stated this today during an exclusive interview with a team of reporters from ABU Campus Press and Troubleshooter Reporters at the association's secretariat in the faculty of Social Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

Comrade Nura said he was insulted, assaulted, and booed on the grounds of baseless allegations against him and his team on the electoral committee, however, these unwarranted actions by certain individuals who tried to disrupt the electoral process never deterred them from conducting an acceptable poll in the eyes of those who have the sense objectivity.

"I and the entire IELCOM officials received a series of insults. But if you want to throw stones at every dog that barks at you when you are going somewhere, you won't get to your destination. This is just an adage, I'm not referring to anybody as a dog," he said.

He said since the association started the sales of forms on the 31st of July, conducted screening on the 9th of August, held debate/manifestation on the 14th of August, down to election day that took place on the 16th of August 2023, the CTC IELCOM created a level playing ground for all the aspirants throughout the period irrespective of their department, level or social class. He declared that a comprehensive list of the students in the faculty was requested from their respective departments to ensure a transparent and credible poll. He added that each level in all the departments has a list for accreditation, except for the 400L political science department where the examiner couldn't generate the names because of the printer that developed a problem in the process.

"We were able to generate the names of the students in the faculty from their various departments and respective levels for credibility. Except for only 400L political science students where we experienced mechanical hitches."

Comrade Nura said those who have a great sense of responsibility and a stable faculty of thinking were able to see and appreciate their efforts. Adding that the likes of Hauwa Ndanusa who rained insults and used vulgar language on them, did so only for their selfish interest.

He said these sorts of individuals attempted to disrupt the well-organized electoral process and the IELCOM cannot afford to watch anybody jeopardizing the whole enchilada of the election for any reason. He further added that those who felt threatened by the beefed-up security that he innocently requested from the chief security provost, Isah Salisu were the bad elements that only wanted to paint them black; that he was only defending the credibility of the electoral process they established right from inception in order to avoid issues.

"I don't want NASSS to be suspended again under my leadership. So, I deemed it necessary to allow the security to detain the students that tend to cause problems rather than allowing them to land the association in another suspension," he said.

He further added that the way and manner the ballot papers were printed, stamped, and signed were open to all the agents of the aspirants. And, every action they took before, during, and after the casting of votes was in agreement signed by all the agents, including the sorting of ballots done by the security personnel prior to the counting of votes. He added that it is unfair on the part of the aspirants, their agents, and supporters to reject the outcome (result) of the election after all the machinery is perfectly put in place and agreed upon.

However, Comrade Nura acknowledged the mistake of the IELCOM for making the office or position of Public Relations Officer one (PRO1) available for both the 200L and 300L students, as against the constitutional provisions of 300L students only. He said they were not conscious of that part of the constitution, and the committee wholeheartedly apologized to the contestants and supporters of the candidate affected by this provision of the constitution.

He said, "We know it was a gross mistake that we didn't take note of that part of the constitution. But we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused."

He affirmed that one of the aspirants (Haruna Musa A.K.A, Koro 1) actually drew his attention to the matter before the election. Unfortunately, it escaped his memory due to so many activities or commitments of his office.

He said he pushed for a by-election to the affected office but his plea was rejected by security through certain sections of the constitution, and the other aspirant (Haruna Musa) was declared the winner and returned elected. Notwithstanding, he said talks are still ongoing to see the possibility of conducting a by-election to the office of PRO 1.

Whatever the case, he said the association is planning and willing to refund the expenses of the affected aspirant in case the by-election is not feasible. Adding that everything they are doing is within the confines of the constitution, and they will not leave any stone unturned in defending the provisions of the Association's Constitution. He said he and all the IELCOM officials have no iota of plans to manipulate the results in favour of any candidate, hence, all candidates were treated equally. That those singing and drumming war against CTC leadership have no single knowledge of the Association's electoral engagements and every other activity.

While he was asked about a letter written to the association by one Jamiu Muhammad from political science who demanded an explanation of the Association's revenue and expenditure throughout the period of CTC, Comrade Nura said, "From the inception of our appointment, we were told by the faculty management that we going to explain our revenue generation and expenses incurred to the management when our tenure elapses. Ideally, we are supposed to do this at a congress in the presence of the students but CTC has no constitutional powers to call for congress. So, we only owe the faculty management an explanation of the association's finances and not the students or any individual(s).

He said NASSS has achieved a lot since its inception about twenty-five years ago, and for the first time under his leadership, the association not only secured venues for extra reading hours within the faculty but also organized tutorials for the students, and the venue for this tutorials were light by the CTC leadership. This is unlike the previous development that the students of the faculty have to move to other people's faculties or departments to read, especially at night time as there is no single venue at the faculty for students to read at night.

He added that NASSS has done everything possible to bridge the gap between the students-lecturers' relationship in the faculty. Comrade Nura said the association tried its best to eliminate the phobia that students usually have towards their lecturers. This is to give the students the courage to approach their lecturers and relevant authorities whenever they have issues of any sort in the faculty in particular and the school in general.

Comrade Nura Sani Magaji emphasized the need for all hands to be on deck to keep the faculty on the developmental path. He said the segregation that the faculty is currently witnessing in the name of election is not healthy, urging the students to unite across boards to move the faculty of social sciences forward to a greater height.

He advised the students to always think beyond the school environment as many will surely meet in the real world where the struggle for survival lies. He added that a tainted relationship in the school in the name of school politics, won't allow a healthy and flourished engagement when they eventually meet tomorrow in the career development world. He therefore called on the students to support the incoming administration of NASSS and work together as a Family of Social Scientists for the progress of the faculty and the university as a whole.

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