Meet Mubarak Bolarinwa, A Victim Of NASSS CTC Indecisiveness

By Alawode Khalid Adekunle, Mubarak Isa Muhammad and Aliyu Baba Mohammed.

The concerned NASSSITEs called on the authorities of NASSS (both CTC and new administration) to compensate Daud Mubarak Bolarinwa over the evitable electoral blunder or mistake of the immediate past CTC.

Daud Mubarak Bolarinwa (a.k.a Bola Crypto) is a 200L student of the International Studies Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

Mubarak Bolarinwa is a well known figure not only within his department and faculty but the entire university community; due to his engagement in creating online platforms, especially on WhatsApp that brings the whole of students of Ahmadu Bello University together for easy communication and access to information on issues that affect them.

He is the Founder of ABU VERIFIED COMMUNITY, a platform that hosts thousands of ABU students from various faculties and departments across the University community. He manages this community effectively in terms of information dissemination and educating his fellow students on some online business and career development opportunities.

For his giant strides and great efforts in the upliftment of the image of the University and empowerment of students, Mubarak received an appointment from the Students Representative Council (SRC), the highest rank students' union in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. 

Also recently, Mubarak emerged the National Chairman of African Union Students Club that has its headquarters in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. He is into many unionism and activism that improve and/or develop human intellect.

It is through his willingness to serve humanity in numerous capacities of human endeavours that he declared his intention to contest for the office of the Public Relations Officer One (P.R.O.1) of his faculty (Social Sciences) and eventually emerged winner of the election that was keenly contested.

Unfortunately for him, Bola could not hold, or be sworn in into the office due to some NASSS constitutional provisions that were violated by the Association's Caretaker Committee chaired by Comrade Nura Sani Magaji of sociology department, faculty of social sciences.

The office of P.R.O 1 was mainly for the students of 300L only, while Bola was in 200L. However, the CTC chose to ignore the constitutional provisions of the association and act upon their power of word of mouth that later victimized Comrade Mubarak Bolarinwa.

The opponent reported or petitioned the case of Bola's requirement deficiency to the security and this led to his disqualification after he was earlier declared winner of the election at the extreme end of the electoral activities. The Security Outfit of the university instructed Bola's opponent who filed the petition to be sworn in as P.R.O 1 elect instead of Bola that won the majority votes at the polls.

He was invited to the security office and duly informed about the petition, however, the CTC failed to defend him and their questionable action to leave the office open for both 200L and 300L student aspirants as against the provision of the constitution. Neither was Bola issued an official statement or notification of his disqualification by NASSS CTC that was worth to officially notify him and pave the way forward, nor the security outfit of the school that revoked the office.

During an interview recently with some reporters of A.B.U Campus Press, Bola revealed that "CTC under Comrade Nura Sani Magaji never officially informed me about my disqualification up this moment that they're about to do the handover, and even the security didn't tell me I was disqualified as alleged by CTC chairman, Nura. So I've no idea whether I'm actually disqualified or not. The security only called me to confirm if I'm actually a 200L student. If Nura said otherwise, he lied.

"Secondly, when I purchased the form and did the screening, I was cleared. CTC told me that they were operating with their own powers and not necessarily what is obtainable in the constitution. The committee said it was not binded by the constitution.

Thirdly, I was told that all the procedures and requirements stated by CTC were approved by the faculty officer, as such, I've nothing to worry about," Bola said.

On his part, the Chairman of the caretaker committee, Comrade Nura Sani Magaji said the information passed to the victim by the security authority was automatically the stand of the CTC and no need for any other information or notification to be passed to him about his disqualification. He stated this during one of the interviews he had with ABU Campus Press.

While he was asked if the victim's expenditure is reimbursed or not, Comrade Nura said the Committee didn't bother to repay him back his expenses.

"There was no attempt at all to repay the expenses he incurred," he said.

However, Comrade Mubarak Bolarinwa said he has the conscience of comradeship running through his veins, as such, he has decided to leave everything to God who is the best judge of everything.

"I have the spirit of bringing people together for unity through unionism. I detest anything that could cause division chaos, especially in my name. So, I've chosen to keep quiet and allow God to do the judgment.

"After all, God has compensated me with something bigger and better as the National Chairman of African Union Students Club with an official office in this prestigious university. I could've been under someone as P.R.O, but here, I'm the head by the grace of God," Bola added.

Meanwhile, The concerned NASSSITEs who spoke to our reporter called on the authorities of NASSS (both CTC and new administration) to compensate Daud Mubarak Bolarinwa over the evitable electoral blunder or mistake of the immediate past CTC. Many of the respondents said it would be an act of unfairness and/or injustice to leave the victim to bear the burden or consequences of a mistake that was never his fault in the first place.

In the meantime, all efforts to speak to the A.B.U security body on the matter proved abortive as at the time of filing in this report.

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