Exclusive Interview with ABUDEV


 What is ABU Developer all about?
Mohammed Hussaini (President of the association): ABU Developers is a student tech community focused on nurturing creativity and innovation among students, both within and beyond the campus. Our aim is to expose students to IT skills, including cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology. We provide training and offer internships or jobs to some students, aiming for inclusivity across various academic disciplines.

What do you intend to achieve?
Our goal is to foster inclusivity among students and provide them with technology skills relevant to various industries, regardless of their academic background. Additionally, we aim to recruit 50 to 100 developers, including those specializing in Artificial Intelligence, software development, and blockchain, to meet the growing demand for digital expertise.

 What are the benefits of a new developer?
Members gain access to training sessions, educational resources, internships, and job opportunities. We also organize hackathons, TechTalks, Tech summit, seminars, and campus awareness events to promote our mission and activities and also inviting some prominent people within the tech ecosystem to come and share their ideas and experience with the members.

 As ABU Developer, are you collaborating with any union or organization within or outside the campus?
Yes, we collaborate with student unions and organizations both on and off-campus, such as National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Dominium Blockchain, VybeIn, Google Developer Student Club (GDSC), Elclassique Technologies, TEDx among others, to host events and promote technology-related initiatives.
So how does it continue to exist on the digital level?
ABU Developer was established in 2016 to address the lack of access to tech-related skills among students. Our founder, Mr. Peter, initiated the association in 2019 to propagate tech skills. We raise awareness through rallies, social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook), and WhatsApp communities, sharing information about our projects and events.

Who is the founder?
 The founder is Mr. Peter, a computer science student in 2019.

What is the mode of awareness of ABU Developers?
The recent rally we did is part of the mode of awareness. And besides that, we have social media handles which we use to create awareness. We have LinkedIn, the Twitter handle, the Instagram, and also the Facebook then the WhatsApp community is where we normally send our information to the general public or maybe if there is any events, we go there and share some of our projects that we are working on. This is how we go about it.

Can we know more about you?
I am a 400-level student of mechanical engineering passionate about technology and entrepreneurship. I am a Tech. entrepreneur and also the founder and CEO of Elclassique Technology, an Artificial intelligence company and also the Co-founder of VybeIn, which is Africa’s first social media platform that reward users for every activity done within the platform. I like reading and travelling.

Do we get any support from the school?
Let my colleague answer.
My name is Akinyemi Peter Oluwafemi and I am the project manager. So, yes, we do get support from the school but not in every aspect. There are some times that we might need support and we have to go out because maybe the school doesn't have the funds to give us at that time because, you know, we have a lot of things coming up and it might be impromptu therefore the notification might be short for the school administration.
So there are times we actually seek support from outside. But then, yes, we get support from the school. We hope ABUCampus press will collaborate with ABUDevs.

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