By Berende Hassan

Dear Mama

How shall I repay thee ? 

For the kindness you rain on me 

I have done you no good 

Yet ! you place my needs above thee 

How shall I repay thee ?

For the sleepless night you had 

To comfort me to the hand of sleep 

Even though I was a little crying  monster 

That over shadow you with stress and headache

Wringing out every bit of peace that reside in thee 

Yet you refrain from showing me an exit to the trash can

How shall I repay thee ? 

For nurturing me a seed

To a sprouted leaf 

 to a full grown fruitful tree

Amidst the  wild herbivores

 that spreads around 

How shall I repay thee? 

For the word of Wisdom You vomited 

That sailed me through the  tempest of life 

How shall I repay thee ? 

For the care you showered un stopping 

Dear Mama 

Had I know  of no God ,

 I would have taken you a goddess to be worship

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